
Beer styles: pilsner lagers 

Origin: Saaz is the traditional Czech fine aroma variety used in many lagers around the world

Agronomics: 900-1500 kg/ha, small cone

Alpha acids: 2.5-5.5%

Beta acids: 2.5-5.0%

Co-humulone: 23-26% of alpha acids

Total oil: 0.4-0.9ml / 100 grams

Aroma: pleasant hoppy

Myrcene: 25-30% of whole oil

Caryophyllene: 6-10% of whole oil

Humulene: 15-25% of whole oil

Farnesene: 15-20% of whole oil

Brewing characteristic: the classical noble aroma hops with very good aroma profile

Recommended use and hopping: pellets type 90 or 45, second and third hopping