
Beer styles: lagers, ales, stout, porter
Origin: Vital was selected from the progeny of F1 generation from variety Agnus and other breeding material. Vital has high xanthohumol level and was released in 2008
Agronomics: 1800-2200 kg/ha, good pickability, elongated hop cones
Alpha acids: 11.0 - 15.0 %
Beta acids: 6.0-10.0 %
Co-humulone: 21-26 % of alpha acids
Total oil: 1.5-2.5 ml / 100 grams
Aroma: hoppy, spicy, fruity
Myrcene: 40-60 % of whole oil
Caryophyllene: 5-8 % of whole oil
Humulene: 2-5 % of whole oil
Farnesene: 1-3 % of whole oil
Brewing characteristic: bitter hops for first and second kettle hopping
Recommended product use and hopping: as pellets T90, first and econd hopping